#MicroblogMonday – Egg Retrieval Day!

IVF Update-Egg RetrievalI’m writing this on Sunday. As you’re reading this, I’m either in the procedure, or recovering. I’m excited, but I also feel a sense of dread. It feels like this is the beginning of the end, instead of the beginning. Continue reading

#MicroblogMonday: When did you give up caffeine?


Happy Family Day to my fellow British Columbians!

As the start date for our first IVF cycle approaches, I’m sipping my super caffeinated latte, and clinging on for dear life. While I don’t drink a lot of coffee (max 2 cups per day), I do enjoy my espresso drinks. Continue reading

#MicroblogMonday: I made the call…well sent the email.

Microblog_MondaysI’ve been nervous about getting started with IVF. I was all for it last year, and was adamant that we were going to begin treatment in January. Well, January is here, and it has taken my over two weeks to gather my nerves to contact our RE.

I sent the email to him on Saturday, letting him know we were ready to begin. Gave him details of my cycle, and made a joke that we may be pregnant by the time we begin. Continue reading