Review: AIM Pregnancy Strips

When you’re TTC, you want to know ASAP if you’re pregnant. There are so many kinds of pregnancy tests, ranging from a few cents each, to upwards of $30! They are either dip tests, where you pee in a cup and dip the strip, dripping the pee into a cassette, or pee on the stick tests. I personally prefer peeing on a stick because I don’t need to find a cup, and wash it out afterwards.

I got 5 AIM Pregnancy Strips when I ordered Pre-Seed from Amazon. These are dip strips, and they cost $13.99 for a 5-pack on Amazon. While these are not the cheapest tests on the market, they are pretty inexpensive.


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Review: Pre-seed

One of the problems I believe is making it more difficult for us to conceive is my lack of EWCM. After doing some research, I came across Pre-seed.

Pre-seed is a lubricant. But unlike most lubes, it is sperm friendly. It also claims to simulate your vagina’s PH, and also fertile cervical mucus’ consistency.

We typically don’t use any lubricants, but since I was missing EWCM, I decided to give it a try. I bought my first tube from a fertility clinic in Vancouver. It was around $38. Once we finished the first tube, I searched online for a better deal, and was able to find it on Amazon for $48 for 2 boxes, plus some AIM pregnancy strips. Continue reading

Supplements I have tried so far – For shortening my cycle

Estrosmart Plus

This was the first product I tried. At this point, I hadn’t really done much research, I had just gotten off the pill. I was out shopping and walked into a health food store just for the hell of it. I told the sales associate that I had just gotten off the pill, and we are currently trying to conceive. She recommended Estrosmart Plus. I took the pills every day for a month. The cycle after I completed the pills was actually “normal” at 28 days. Continue reading

Supplements I have tried so far – For improving EWCM

Being an impatient person, I was eager to research and try supplements that may help my cycle regulate itself. In addition to having irregular cycles, I also don’t have any egg white cervical mucus, so I added that symptom to my list to research.

Evening Primrose Oil

I was researching supplements that can help increase fertile cervical mucus, and EPO was something that came up again and again. EPO is derived from the seeds of the plant, and is high in essential fatty acids and vitamin E. In addition to being used for fertile cervical mucus, women also use it to ease PMS/menopausal symptoms. Continue reading