#MicroblogMonday – Another Pregnancy Announcement

Microblog_MondaysNot mine. Definitely not. I’m technically in TWW, but I ovulated earlier than expected, so this month’s a bust. There’s no update on the (in)fertility side. We were supposed to have a genetics meeting at the hospital last Thursday, but DH had to reschedule it because of work. It is now rescheduled for the end of November.

Anyway, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, and one of our friends just announced their pregnancy. They got married one year before us. I didn’t “like” her post, definitely didn’t say congratulations. All I could muster was, ugh, awesome, another one pregnant. Judging by how “festive” her announcement was, I’m sure there will be lots of bump shots. My second cousin is pregnant with her second as well, I found out from my cousin through a text. I think people think I’m fine when they talk to me about other people’s pregnancies, or baby related things in general. I guess that’s how I appear to them. I don’t react, I say the required pleasantries, and save the sulking for private.

I feel bad that I’m not happy for them, and it’s terrible that I’m jealous of what they have. When is it going to be our turn?

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12 thoughts on “#MicroblogMonday – Another Pregnancy Announcement

  1. Don’t feel bad that you’re not happy for them now. It’s such a common thing to feel these jealous feelings. My therapist taught me that it’s okay to feel these feelings. Just don’t stay there for too long. Move on after a while. But don’t judge yourself on them. I hear you girl. Life is unfair… *hugs*


  2. 😔 It stings, doesn’t it? I’m so sorry…there were a few people that I unfollowed because they just kept popping out kiddos. You are allowed to feel what you feel, and it is okay to even feel conflicted. Hugs! Hope something happens to you today to lift your spirits!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think the important point is that you’re pulling it off: no one knows about the jealousy. They only hear the pleasantries on the outside. You can get through this. Deep breaths.


  4. I just found out that one of my husband’s cousins is pregnant again (3 kids in 4 years)…she’s only 22, not married, no job, and living with her parents after a failed stay at a rehab center. Sigh….it’s hard not to feel jealous.


  5. Ugh! I hear ya on the announcements. My hubby just came home and told me my cousin’s wife is pregnant again. It’s their third…and each time she gets pregnant it happens the same month they try. I wasn’t expecting an announcement from them so it really caught me off guard. They have said they were done because their second child had cystic fibrosis and they feared if they had a third that child would too. They obviously changed their minds. I had to keep reminding myself though that it’s not her fault she is pregnant and I shouldn’t resent her for it. I was jealous that evening but I knew I had to let it go. Dwelling onit only makes me bitter and I don’t need that on top of all the other crazy emotions I already have. lol! I also use the phrase “I’m Next” after I hear an announcement. It makes me feel better 🙂 Sending ya hugs! xo


  6. I totally understand your feelings on this one. I try to be happy for most people but if I’m having a particularly bad day OR if I know they really don’t have the means to take care of the baby, I have a really hard time. 4 of J’s cousins are pregnant or just had a baby right now. None have the means to take care of these babies without the state’s help and 2 of them have now had or are pregnant with their second baby in the time we’ve been trying. I just keep having Faith that God will provide for us. It’s all I can do at this point. Sending you big hugs!!! Oh, and I have blocked at least a couple of these cousins from my newsfeed. I didn’t unfriend them because I don’t want to start anything within the family, but at least their constant posts do not pop up unexpectedly. 🙂


    • Oh my goodness!! It must be so hard for you! It’s so frustrating when you try so hard, and you’re so prepared, and it’s not happening! While other seemingly unprepared couples just pop them out like candy. Praying that it will be your turn soon!! xoxo


  7. Pingback: #Microblog Monday: Am I a Masochist? | Baby, Are you Coming?

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