#MicroblogMonday! What baby item do you obsess about?

Microblog_MondaysI have always enjoyed researching baby things. It’s a weird thing I do. Even before we were married, or engaged, and now, when we’re no where close to being pregnant. My current obsession is researching strollers. There are just so many options! Do I really need a stroller with a bassinet? What if we have twins? I would probably want a tandem stroller, and not a side by side. What about car seats? Do I want an infant one, and upgrade to a new one later on, or do I want one that would grow with baby? The list goes on! It doesn’t help that there are so many products out there, and that they’re changing all the time.

Are you crazy like me too?

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11 thoughts on “#MicroblogMonday! What baby item do you obsess about?

    • I go through phases with my obsessions! When I’m bored, and I’ve watched all my shows, I go online to see what new products there are. I’ve been reading lots about the new iPhone lately! LOL. I just need to know as much as I possibly can before I make a decision. Drives DH nuts! Cuz the research applies to where we go to dinner too! haha

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  1. I WANT to research all of this stuff but my heart just won’t let me. I know I would totally get into it and then be crushed if we never were able to have a baby.


  2. Back when we were TTC, I was obsessed with baby carriers…all kinds. I loved researching them, wearing them, and…eventually…buying them. We bought 5 different baby carriers…and both McRuger and I loved the cheapest one: the ring sling. Funny….


  3. Ha — never researched baby items and bought the bare minimum when we needed to buy. Though I will say that if you have twins, you usually want side-by-side. That has been the general thought if our twin group. Mostly because the kids then both see the same thing and they tend to interact with each other more as they age.

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  4. Pingback: #Microblog Monday: Am I a Masochist? | Baby, Are you Coming?

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