{PG Post} How many babies?

I still can’t believe I’m pregnant. It’s so surreal to me. I don’t have any morning sickness, and the only symptoms I really have are sore/larger boobs, frequent peeing, and lots of gas!! 

I don’t think I’m quite ready to do weekly updates yet, but maybe I’ll start that when I’m in my second trimester. I just can’t let it go that this pregnancy can end at any time.

Anyway, DH and I went in for a viability scan in week 7. We had transferred two embryos. On our way there, I asked DH if he was ready for one, two, or zero babies. He said he was ready for it. We were lucky that my RE was the doctor on call that day, so it was really nice to get to see him again. He didn’t do my retrieval, or transfer for this cycle.

I had a feeling that both implanted because they were 4AA when transferred, and I never had any spotting. When my RE put in the good ol’ dildo cam, I couldn’t see a thing. I obviously didn’t know if he was pointing at my uterus, or if he was looking at something else. But after an eternity, ok, probably 30 seconds, they it was. The sac with a blob inside! My RE wiggled the wand a little bit more, and there was the second sac with a blob inside! After looking around for a while, he said that he though he saw three. I said that’s not funny. I was prepared for two, but definitely not three!

So here they are! Our two little blobs (I’m not sure what to call them yet)!

Baby A measured 6 weeks 6 days, and Baby B measured exactly 7 weeks. I was 7 weeks 2 days when I went in for my scan. I was concerned that they were measuring smaller than they should. But the RE said they’re looking great, their heart rates are great, and it’s unlikely that they’ll stop growing. Of course I was also worried that Baby A didn’t have a yolk sac.

With that, we were done with the fertility clinic. I had enough Endometrin to last until week 10, and that’s when I’ll stop the medication.

I’ve been referred back to my original OBGYN, but I won’t be seeing him until week 14. That feels so far away! I hope our little blobs will keep growing!

We still haven’t told, well confirmed with, MIL. She doesn’t ask me directly, but she’s sent a passive text asking how everything was. I just said everything was fine. I didn’t go to our family dinner with DH because I knew she would grill him. She already interrogated him the week before. He stood his ground, and didn’t confirm anything – kind of. She said she knew I had a test on Dec 23, which is incorrect, and she demanded to know what was going on. DH pretty much said, it was positive, but we’ve had a positive before, so it could mean nothing, and we won’t know for a few months, and are waiting to hear from the doctor.

So basically, he’s told her I’m pregnant, but he’s convinced that she doesn’t think I am. I know it’s probably easier if I just told her, but I just don’t want the attention and pressure. It was hard enough having her message me everyday about the embryos. I don’t want her messaging me everyday asking how I’m feeling.

Luckily, she’s away for two weeks now. I’ll be ready to tell her when she’s back.

Thank you to everyone who’s supported me through this journey. This community has meant the world to me. I hope most of you can follow me through my pregnancy journey!

15 thoughts on “{PG Post} How many babies?

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